
Reflections on the Rule of St Augustine

Monasticize the World
An Introduction to the series

Chapter 1: Of the love of God and the neighbour, and of the union of hearts and community of goods

1.iii Being of one heart and mind on God
1.iv Each one receives whatever they have need of
1.v Be willing to hold all things in common… …and not look for those things that outside the monastery they were unable to have

Reflections on the Rule of St. Benedict


Parish Monasticism?
An introduction to the series.

The Foundations

Chapter 1: the different kinds of monks and their customs
Chapter 2: the qualities of the abbot
Chapter 3: the counsel of the brothers
Chapter 4: the instruments of good works
Chapter 5: obedience
Chapter 6: silence
Chapter 7: humility

The Floor

Chapter 8: the Divine Office at night (Matins)
Chapter 9: how many psalms are to be said in the Night Office
Chapter 10: how the Night Office is to be said in summer
Chapter 11: how Matins is to be celebrated on Sundays
Chapter 12: lauds-celebration
Chapter 13: lauds-ordinary days
Chapter 14: Night Office on saints’ days
Chapter 15: the seasons during which Alleluia is chanted
Chapter 16: the Day Office
Chapter 17: the number of psalms said in the Day Office
Chapter 18: psalms-order to be chanted
Chapter 19: how the Office should be performed
Chapter 20: reverence in prayer

The Exits

Chapter 21:the deans of the monastery
Chapter 22: how the monks are to sleep
Chapter 23: excommunication for faults
Chapter 24: the measure of excommunication
Chapter 25: grave faults
Chapter 26: those who meet with the excommunicated without leave of the abbot
Chapter 27: the abbot’s care of the excommunicated
Chapter 28: those who do not change their ways despite much correction
Chapter 29: readmittance of departed brothers
Chapter 30: correction of youths

Parish Monasticism: a review

The Walls

Chapter 31: the cellarer
Chapter 32: property and utensils
Chapter 33: private ownership by monks
Chapter 34: the apportionment of necessities
Chapter 35: weekly kitchen service
Chapter 36: sick brothers
Chapter 37: old men and children
Chapter 38: the weekly reader
Chapter 39: food apportionment
Chapter 40: drink apportionment
Chapter 41: dining hours

The Inner Thresholds

Chapter 42: no talk after Compline
Chapter 43: late-comers to the Divine Office and meals
Chapter 44: how the excommunicated are to make satisfaction
Chapter 45: mistakes in the oratory
Chapter 46: offences in other matters

The Furniture

Chapter 47: sounding the Hours of the Divine Office
Chapter 48: daily manual labour
Chapter 49: observance of lent
Chapter 50: brothers who work at a distance from the oratory or are traveling
Chapter 51: brothers who do not go far
Chapter 52: the oratory of the monastery
Chapter 53: the reception of guests
Chapter 54: the receipt of letters and presents
Chapter 55: clothing and shoes
Chapter 56: the abbot’s table

The Family

Chapter 57: artisans and craftsmen
Chapter 58: the admission of new brothers
Chapter 59: sons of noblemen or of poor men offered to God’s service
Chapter 60: priests who would live in the monastery

Parish Monasticism: an update

Chapter 61: reception of pilgrim monks
Chapter 62: priests of the monastery
Chapter 63: rank in the monastery
Chapter 64: election of the abbot
Chapter 65: provost of the monastery
Chapter 66: the porter of the monastery

The Finishings

Chapter 67: brothers sent on a journey
Chapter 68: when a brother is asked to do the impossible
Chapter 69: no one shall presume to defend another in the monastery
Chapter 70: no one is to presume to strike another
Chapter 71: the brothers ought to obey one another
Chapter 72: the good zeal monks should possess
Chapter 73: all perfection is not herein attained

Parish Monasticism: the conference

Where Next?

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