As the Church finds itself in a new landscape, many are looking to the saints of old to navigate through our changing culture. They call themselves, ‘new monastics’ and, like their forebears, they are rediscovering the need for a shared story, shared principles and shared practices to live by as a refuge and workshop in the storms of change. In a growing library of books on the subject of New Monasticism, Ned Lunn offers a theological framework to understand, not just the rationale behind this emerging movement but explores why the wider Church needs to listen to their voice. Using the liturgical journey from Ash Wednesday through to Pentecost, we are invited to travel through the revelation of god and discover His unchanging vision for His Church and world.
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Words tumble onto the page journaling a human’s desire to express their existence and explorations of self. From the first realization that we’re dust, particles prone to perform proud personalities to the divine reminder to remain rooted in Him our first reference, our origin and the fount from which it’s possible to partake in an outpouring of power, promoting and preserving life in all its fullness. This prophetic poetry explores the possibility to pray in the pool of your Divine provenance.