
Ned Lunn is Canon for Intercultural Mission and the Arts at Bradford Cathedral. Before he started his training he ran a theatre company, el mono theatre, for seven years. During that time he also worked professionally in various theatre venues and with a selection of theatre companies as a tutor, director, producer, performer, designer and advisor.

He now writes on spirituality, philosophy, ethics and politics. He is a passionate supporter of the New Monastic Movement and has written ‘Ash Water Oil: how the Church needs a new form of monasticism’. He has been involved in a podcast called ‘Songs in a Strange Land‘ exploring faith, art and culture.

You can purchase some of Ned’s books by visiting the bookshop section of this website.cropped-color-calgary-header-3


A series of series on monasticism based on reflections on the Rule of St Augustine and St Benedict.



Burning Fences

Reflections and resources for a small community based in York which is exploring how to sing a new song in the rubble of an old world.


  1. Ned,enjoyed your talks “godofthegods”, some of which I heard live and some of which I’ve listened to the next day.

    On the question of “theatre church” and “football church” (around 45 minutes in), are the two not fundamentally different in this way. “Theatre church” might be a structure within which to share the gospel, in the same way that it has been done through the generations. “Football church” is primarily a way to reach out with the root of the gospel, God’s love, and so can be a vehicle for salvation, but probably doesn’t attempt to pass on the whole of God’s story.

    I guess that theatre involves language and story telling in a way that football doesn’t.

    Hope this isn’t too vague.

    1. I’d just start by reiterating that ‘Theatre Church’ is not only about using theatre practise in church but also and mainly about theatre theory. I don’t deny the use of football groups, baking groups, theatre groups, whatever to be missional activities at spreading the gospel but to force them to be church with worship and structured services is to deny what I believe church to be.

      It causes confusion in what Is being done in worship; is it for some to observe or for all to participate? If some of the group are not engaged in the activity of worship then the dynamic of the group is disrupted.

      The football group or theatre group can be a way for conversation and encounter to lead people into the Kingdom (under the reign of God) and they start to be a disciple of Christ. When they encounter Christ they’re worldview will be changed, their reality altered and will want to share it. The Spirit within them will call them to pray and worship and to gather with others who love God. This will lead them into a church. This will be a place where they experience others who may have a different relationship with God. The disciples didn’t choose who the other 11 or 71 disciples were they were put together because they shared in a love of Christ.

      Does that help? Have I answered your question?

  2. Hi Ned – I’d like to read the paper that you’ve prepared for the New Monastic conference in October – unfortunately the link on Ian Mobsby’s page doesn’t seem to work (for me at least!). Is there any chance you could email it please?

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