Resurrection by Bonnie Bruno
O, the taste of resurrection
Is surprising in its normality.
It does not impress itself
Upon the senses,
Nor forces itself to the front.
Rather it infuses through all
And permeates the palate
In drawing out the goodness
Of the corruptible ingredients.
It is in the beauty of the usual,
The wonder of the common place.
It shines through the stained glass
Of ordinary and regular.
Like salt, it collaborates with bland,
Supporting them to shine afresh.
In new ways that which was boring
Becomes a delicacy.
Resurrection power exerts itself
Not to overpower but to empower,
To bring life to dullness,
Colour to drab.
It works through other
And refuses to take centre stage alone.
Resurrection is elusive,
For it will not be seen solitary,
Solo or unescorted.
You see it hidden
In the elegance and grace
Of things which we don’t call heaven.
It is comeliness itself.
It is an aspect attached.
If you’re not looking for it
You will not find it,
But once you’ve glimpsed it
You’ll never lose it.
Written whilst in hospital during the final days of my wife’s life on Friday 29th June 2018.